
Showing posts with the label Everyday

Picking a ripe, juicy lemon comes down to two things - ABC Everyday

Winter may be a season of dormancy for many plants, but for citrus trees – like lemons – this is when they are at their best. Melbourne-based fruitsmith Thanh Truong (aka The Fruit Nerd) shares some tips for choosing the right lemons and the best way to cut and store them. If you want to grow your own lemons, she says there’s a trick to growing a big, juicy lemon tree—and it has to do with the type of fertilizer you use. How to choose a juicy lemon Thanh says dark yellow lemons are a sign that they are ripe and juicy inside. ( ABC Every Day: Matthew Garrow ) What signs should you pay attention to when choosing a ripe, juicy lemon? Thanh says it’s all in the skin texture. “A smooth lemon rind represents ripeness or ripeness,” he says. “That means there’s more juice and it’s heavier, while the one picked is a little undercooked [will] wavy and won’t have much juice in it.” Farmers usually harvest lemons as they go from white to yellow, so if you buy lemons from the supermarket, Thanh r

Looking for more affordable seafood? You have to try the 'fish equivalent of chicken thighs' - ABC Everyday

Branching out and trying new foods can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to seafood. But going bolder at the fish shop can mean extra cash in the pocket without sacrificing taste. Captain Darwin Grant Barker says most Australians eat only a fraction of the more than 5,000 species of fish in our waters, with many of the lesser-known varieties of seafood little secret. “Bream and Robinson pearls come to mind. They may be some of the best dinner table fish in the country, but most people don’t realize it. People in the industry … but the general public doesn’t know it,” Grant said. He said there was a generational reluctance to venture away from safe classics like salmon, barramundi and snapper, which meant shoppers were choosing from small schools of fish, pushing demand and prices up. Load Fish species worth trying Seafood producer and former chef Umar Nguyen said the list below comprises some of the best but underutilized fish species available. He says everything is

'It's horrifying, but also like, I won': The male thirst trap emerges - ABC Everyday

In 2022, TikTok is inundated with a wave of lip-smacking, smoldering videos with completely different eyes, and this one stars straight men looking for female followers. Load This might be a shirtless grind and lip sync, a POV where she’s role-playing the morning after you get home together, or if you’re lucky, a short motivational speech about how you’re the best girl in the world. The whole thing was weird enough that Leia Jospe felt inspired to collect the best of the genre and repost it on her Instagram account, favetiktoks420. “I see the trend going on on TikTok. All these young men peacock into the camera in a way I’ve never seen before, that I’ve always been associated with femininity and being a woman,” she said. I just think they’re not only cute but [also] very representative of the changing culture of young people.” Who’s in the men’s thirst trap zoo? There are several different sub-genres of male traps that Leia and her friends have noticed, who are also eyeing this corner

'We don't impact the loss of enough parental credit' - ABC Everyday

In the winter my father died of cancer, focusing on work became very difficult. In the normal world of work, people are given mourning leave: a sign of two days to grieve and attend funerals. I need more than this to reflect and reassemble myself. I took a few weeks to slow down, think, and follow the urge to get back to basics. I spring clean my house, go for bush walks, do my own health check, and take over the dining table with a thousand-piece puzzle. After school hours, I read stories with my kids — huddle together and immerse myself in a fantasy world full of magic and solvable problems — and take them out for chai lattés. (Kids of today.) That time made me reflect a lot on my purpose, and how to spend the next part of my time on earth. The ABC Everyday perspective is all about giving you the opportunity to share what you’re going through. It is likely that others have faced the same ups and downs and life experiences. In a short paragraph, send us your offer via email: dai

Sometimes you just want to read a pure love story. It's Ivy and Yoey's - ABC Everyday

The love that Ivy McGowan and Yoey Maxwell have is a rare breed. In the five years since they met by chance at a whimsical picnic in Naarm/Melbourne on Ivy’s 22nd birthday, it’s grown into something they both thought they only dared to dream of. We asked them to share their stories with us. What are your first impressions of each other? Ivy: Looking back, it feels like things slowed down when I met Yoey. I remember feeling calm the first time we spoke. They spoke to me as if I was the only person that mattered at the time even though there was so much else going on that day. Be a part of the ABC Everyday community by joining our Facebook group. Yo: One of my first thoughts was, “Ooh, he’s a hugger!” Because Ivy gave me a big one when we met and I’m not exactly a cuddler, but it was really nice. Then I remember thinking he was quiet and shy at the same time very warm and friendly. When we spoke, he didn’t reveal much about himself, which gave me the impression that he was focused on

Sick of scrolling through streaming services? Here are five new things to watch this month - ABC Everyday

Cancel your plans! There are so many great TV shows and movies this month that you’ll want to be at home for the rest of the time. Here are our top picks for July viewing. Persuasion (Netflix, July 15) Load I have six words for you: Dakota Johnson uses a British accent. Wait, I need more than that: Dakota Johnson does a British accent and occasionally breaks the fourth wall in the Persuasion adaptation (17 words). You can see why stan Jane Austen loves this film. People have debated it hotly before its release. Load But let’s forget all that and talk premise, because it’s still an interesting classic: Anne Elliott (Johnson) must decide between the escapees, Captain Frederick Wentworth (played by Cosmo Jarvis), and Mr William Elliott (Henry Golding!!! !) It gives both desire and confusion, but most importantly it provides DRAMA of various periods, which is always good. If by slim coincidence none of those things speak to you, this is one to watch for the simple fact that it will proba

A psychologist's friendly reminder of the little things we can do to be okay in difficult times - ABC Everyday

There’s been a lot recently, hasn’t it? Another COVID-19 spike, a terrible flu season, floods in New South Wales, monkeypox, the ongoing war in Ukraine, the overthrow of Roe v Wade in the United States, soaring cost of living. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and closed off, you’re not alone. I’ve spent the last few weeks lying on the couch unconscious after work, wreaking havoc. I feel anxious, apathetic, lonely and sad. If you or anyone you know needs help: I had hoped it would be a good year with more certainty, but in the middle of the year I found myself in a space that was just as restless as the last two years, but with less expectations and more cognitive fatigue to boot. When things get so tough and we start to realize that maybe the world as we know it has shifted, we have to give ourselves time to adjust to the new realities and build the skills we need to adapt. Meanwhile, it’s very easy to forget the little things we need to do to be okay, or to remember why we do these thi

Why Kristy takes her baby to work, travels to Australia while shooting TV show - ABC Everyday

On the eve of the birth of her first son, 33-year-old Kristy O’Brien thought her career would take a hit. I think I’ll do some shit work on both [work and parenting], I will step down in my career; accepted some mediocre positions working around children,” said the journalist for ABC Rural. The last thing Darwinians hope for a few months after maternity leave is to be offered the show of their dreams; traveled around Australia to film the first season of Movin’ to the Country. “I told my family: ‘I need to do this. I really want to,'” Kristy said. “I don’t want to lose my career which is part of my identity.” So he took five-month-old Hudson on the road with him. Since then, Kristy has been shooting season two while pregnant with her son Nash, who was born 10 weeks ago. We talked to working moms about the challenges of getting work done with a baby in tow—and why it’s all worth it. Challenging moments that he will always cherish I got a call from the executive producer who said,