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Rare sauropod dinosaur teeth found in Australia

Diamantinasaurus matilda AODF 2298 (AODL 127) teeth (probably from the same individual as AODF 836). (a–o) Upper right teeth in mesial (a,b), mesiolabial (c), labial (d), distolabial (e,f), distal (g,h), distolingual (i), lingual (j), mesiolingual (k,l), apical (m,n) and basal (o) views. (a), (e), (g), (k), (m) and (o) are photographs; all other images are screenshots of digital models. Scale bar = 10 mm. Credit: Royal Society Open Science (2022). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.220381 A team of researchers at The Jump-Up Australian Museum of Natural History of Dinosaur Age, working with colleagues from the University of New England and University College London, have discovered fossilized sauropod teeth in the Queensland Upper Cretaceous Winter Formation in Australia. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group explained their findings and their importance to understanding the history of creatures in Australia.