
Showing posts with the label cheaper

UCLA-led study could be a step towards cheaper hydrogen-based energy

Unsplash/Darren Halstead The research group is now collaborating with Toyota Motor Corp. to develop fuel cell catalysts with possible real-world applications. (Photo: Toyota’s hydrogen fuel cell concept vehicle, 2019.) Main takeaways: High cost of catalyst. Platinum is the best catalyst for hydrogen fuel cells, but its scarcity makes it expensive. Find alternatives. The new method quickly identifies which alloy — a less expensive combination of platinum and another metal — is likely to achieve the best results in fuel cells. Cut costs. High-performance alloy catalysts could eventually make hydrogen fuel cell vehicles more affordable. A study led by UCLA researchers could help accelerate the use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy source in transportation and other applications. The team developed a method to predict the potency and stability of platinum alloys – two key indicators of how they will perform as catalysts in hydrogen fuel cells. Then, using that techniq