
Showing posts with the label Neuroscience

How Neurons Build and Maintain Their Capacity to Communicate - Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers reveal how neurons organize and maintain the vital infrastructure that enables seamless nerve transmission. Source: Picower Institute of Learning and Memory The nervous system works because neurons communicate through connections called synapses. They “talk” as calcium ions flow through channels into the “active zone” which is laden with vesicles carrying molecular messages. The electrically charged calcium causes the vesicles to “fuse” to the outer membrane of the presynaptic neuron, releasing its communicative chemical charge to the postsynaptic cell. In a new study, scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT provide some revelations about how neurons organize and maintain this vital infrastructure. “Calcium channels are a major determinant of calcium influx, which then triggers vesicle fusion, so they are important components of the machinery on the presynaptic side that converts electrical signals into chemical synaptic transmissions,”

Similar Activity in the Brain's Language Network, No Matter What Language You Speak - Neuroscience News

Summary: In a study of speakers of 45 languages, researchers found similar patterns of brain activity and language selectivity. Source: MIT For decades, neuroscientists have created well-defined maps of the brain’s “language network,” or regions of the brain specialized for processing language. Found primarily in the left hemisphere, this tissue includes areas within Broca’s area, as well as in other parts of the frontal and temporal lobes. However, most of these mapping studies were conducted on English speakers while they were listening to or reading English texts. MIT neuroscientists have now conducted brain imaging studies of speakers of 45 different languages. The results show that the language network of speakers appears to be essentially the same as that of native English speakers. This finding, though not surprising, establishes that the location and key properties of language networks appear to be universal. This work also lays the groundwork for the future study of lingui

How Does Reducing Gravity Affect Astronaut Muscles and Nerve Response? - Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers reveal how astronauts can avoid the neuromuscular problems that occur as a result of extended space travel. Source: Doshisha University Among the many functions performed by skeletal muscles, one of them is maintaining our posture. If it weren’t for these muscles, the gravitational pull of the earth might make it difficult for us to get up and walk. The group of muscles—mostly in our legs, back and neck—that are responsible for maintaining posture and allowing us to move against the force of gravity are called ‘anti-gravity’ muscles. But what happens to these muscles when there is no gravity (or “unloading” force of gravity) to counteract them? That question may sound silly to some, but not to an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS)! In space, where gravity is minimal, our muscles (especially anti-gravity ones) are not used much, which can lead to atrophy and changes in their structure and properties. In fact, human calf muscles are known to decre

Wireless Activation of Target Brain Circuits in Less Than One Second - Neuroscience News

Summary: The newly developed system uses wireless technology to remotely activate certain brain networks in fruit flies in less than a second. Source: Rice University A research team led by Rice University neuroscientists has created wireless technology to remotely activate certain brain circuits in fruit flies in less than a second. In a demonstration published in Natural Ingredients Researchers from Rice, Duke University, Brown University and Baylor College of Medicine used magnetic signals to activate target neurons that control the body position of fruit flies that move freely in the cage. “To study the brain or to treat neurological disorders, the scientific community is looking for tools that are highly precise, but also minimally invasive,” said study author Jacob Robinson, a professor in electrical and computer engineering at Rice and a member of Rice’s Neuroengineering Initiative. “Remote control of certain neural circuits with magnetic fields is the holy grail for neural tech

The Role of Vision in Inhibitor Network Development - Neuroscience News

Summary: The inhibitory and excitatory networks in the visual system of the brain develop by different processes, even if the organization of the networks is similar. Source: Max Planck Florida Brain function, like many other areas of life, is about balance. Excitatory neurons that increase the activity of connected neurons are offset by inhibitory neurons that suppress this activity. In this way, excitation and inhibition work together throughout the brain to process information and guide behavior. Imbalances in this system, which sometimes appear during development, contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. To date researchers have mostly focused on excitatory neurons, while the function and development of inhibitory neural circuits has been studied. New research from the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience shows that the inhibitory and excitatory neural circuits of the visual system develop by different processes, even if the organization of the mature c

Investigational Drug Promotes Nerve Repair After Injury - Neuroscience News

Summary: An experimental drug penetrating the brain is in development as a cancer treatment could promote regeneration of nerves damaged after spinal cord injury, researchers report. Source: University of Birmingham Scientists from the University of Birmingham have shown that a prospective brain-penetrating drug currently being developed as a cancer therapy could promote regeneration of nerves damaged after spinal trauma. The study, published today in Clinical Medicine and Translation used cell and animal models to demonstrate that when taken by mouth the drug candidate, known as AZD1390, can block the response to DNA damage in nerve cells and promote regeneration of damaged nerves, thereby restoring sensory and motor function after spinal cord injury. The announcement comes weeks after the same research team showed a different investigative drug (AZD1236) could reduce damage after spinal cord injury, by blocking the inflammatory response. Both studies were supported by the AstraZene

Can Computers Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia? - Neuroscience News

Summary: New machine learning algorithms are able to accurately detect cognitive impairment by analyzing voice recordings. Source: Boston University It takes a lot of time—and money—to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. After running a lengthy face-to-face neuropsychological exam, the doctor must copy, review, and analyze each response in detail. But researchers at Boston University have developed a new tool that could automate the process and eventually allow it to move online. Their machine learning-powered computational model can detect cognitive impairment from audio recordings of neuropsychological tests—no in-person appointment required. Their findings were published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association . “This approach brings us one step closer to early intervention,” said Ioannis Paschalidis, co-author of the paper and BU College of Engineering Distinguished Professor of Engineering. He said faster early detection of Alzheimer’s could prompt larger

Head Injury in Children Linked to Reduction in Brain Size and Learning Difficulties - Neuroscience News

Summary: In children, traumatic brain injury can lead to reduced brain size and cognitive impairment that affects learning, researchers report. Source: Imperial College London Traumatic brain injury can lead to reduced brain size in some children and teens, which could be linked to cognitive problems, a new study suggests. People who are hit hard to the head can suffer brain injuries that result in long-term cognitive problems such as difficulty with memory, concentration, and problem solving. Researchers have been able to study this problem in adults, using brain scans to accurately measure the impact of each injury. However, this is more difficult for children and adolescents to do because their brains grow and change so quickly. In a new study, published in the journal Brain Researchers at Imperial College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital have collected detailed measurements of the brains of normally developing children and used them as a guide to help spot differences betwe