
Showing posts with the label Finite

Finite Refractive Spectroscopy is Useful for Determining the Graphene Bilayer Bandgap

Simultaneous control over band gap and charge carrier density in semiconductors is desired in photodetectors, highly adjustable transistors, and lasers. Bernal stacked bilayer graphene is a van-der-Waals material that allows bandgap adjustment by applying an out-of-plane electric field. You You Study: Transport Spectroscopy of Ultraclean Tunable Band Gaps in the Graphene Bilayer. Image Credit: Kateryna Kon/ Apart from the invention of the adjustable band gap, the fabrication of a clean heterostructure with an electrically adjustable band gap is a recent achievement applied to finite charge carriers. An article published in Advanced Electronic Materials discusses gated bilayer graphene with adjustable bandgap, which is characterized by finite-bias transport spectroscopy and temperature-activated transport measurements. Limited-bias transport spectroscopy helps to compare different gate materials and corresponding device technologies, influencing the interference pote