
Showing posts with the label graphene

Finite Refractive Spectroscopy is Useful for Determining the Graphene Bilayer Bandgap

Simultaneous control over band gap and charge carrier density in semiconductors is desired in photodetectors, highly adjustable transistors, and lasers. Bernal stacked bilayer graphene is a van-der-Waals material that allows bandgap adjustment by applying an out-of-plane electric field. You You Study: Transport Spectroscopy of Ultraclean Tunable Band Gaps in the Graphene Bilayer. Image Credit: Kateryna Kon/ Apart from the invention of the adjustable band gap, the fabrication of a clean heterostructure with an electrically adjustable band gap is a recent achievement applied to finite charge carriers. An article published in Advanced Electronic Materials discusses gated bilayer graphene with adjustable bandgap, which is characterized by finite-bias transport spectroscopy and temperature-activated transport measurements. Limited-bias transport spectroscopy helps to compare different gate materials and corresponding device technologies, influencing the interference pote

Graphene Based Electrochemical Sensing of Harmful Herbicides

Although glyphosate is a widely used non-toxic herbicide, its detection in the field is challenging due to the lack of portable equipment. Although these herbicides are present in surface water, farmer urine, and crop residues, fast, easy-to-use field sensors are not currently available, requiring transport of samples to the laboratory. You Study: Enzymatic Laser Induced Graphene Biosensor for Electrochemical Sensing of Glyphosate Herbicides. Image Credit: FrankHH/ In an article recently published in the journal Global Challenges, a platinum-decorated graphene (LIG) biosensor was developed with the immobilized flavoenzyme glycine oxidase (GlyOx) and used to detect the herbicide glyphosate, as it is a substrate for GlyOx. Thus, this graphene biosensor provides a scaffold for enzyme attachment. The results reveal that the graphene biosensor exhibits a detection range of 10 to 260 micromoles with a detection limit (LOD) of 3.03 micromoles and a sensitivity of 0.991 nano

Making a Quantum Hall Interferometer Based on Marginally Rotated Graphene

The Quantum Hall Effect (QH) enables the exploitation of the quantum coherence of electrons for a wide range of applications from metrology to quantum computing. QH interferometry is a handy tool that provides an archetypal platform for achieving interwoven statistics of fractional QH states. However, the phase coherence along the interferometer and the suppression of the Coulomb filling energy are required to observe the fractional statistics. Study: Quantum Hall interferometry in the triangular domain of a marginally twisted bilayer graphene. Image Credit: Neon_dust/ In an article recently published in the journal nano letter, The QH interferometer is based on a slightly twisted bilayer graphene with a twist angle (θ) of 0.16 degrees. Operation of the device in the QH regime results in unique magneto-thermopower features, including Aharonov–Bohm (AhB) and Fabry–Pérot (FP) oscillations in the magnetic-density field phase, where the Landau level fill factor (ν) is 4

Physicists discover strong "family" of superconducting graphene structures

When it comes to graphene, it seems that superconductivity runs in the family. Graphene is a single atom-thin material that can be peeled off from the same graphite found in pencil tips. The ultra-thin material is made entirely of carbon atoms arranged in a simple hexagonal pattern, similar to chicken wire. Since its isolation in 2004, graphene has been found to manifest many remarkable properties in its single layer form. In 2018, MIT researchers discovered that if two layers of graphene are stacked at very specific “magic” angles, the bent bilayer structure can exhibit strong superconductivity, a much sought-after material state in which electric current can flow without loss of energy. Recently, the same group discovered a similar superconductive state that exists in bent trilayer graphene – a structure made of three layers of graphene stacked at new, precise magic angles. Now the team reports that — you guessed it — four and five layers of graphene can be twisted and stacked at