
Showing posts with the label Urth

How to Create a Starburst Effect | Guide by Urth

Enhance your photography with an in-depth look at the star explosion effect. Learn what settings and approaches you need to capture beams of light, and how Star Filter Kit is your goal for creative brilliance. What is the effect of a star explosion? ‘Diffraction’ is a photographic term you may be familiar with. Otherwise, diffraction basically means scattering of light. As photographers, we understand this optical phenomenon as a bad thing because it is associated with a loss of sharpness. But diffraction is also responsible for creating the dreamy starburst effect in photos where the sun or a harsh light source creates a pointed beam of light. What does aperture have to do with the starburst effect? The starburst effect in photography is largely controlled and determined by your aperture, and more specifically, your aperture blade. If you ask two photographers to capture the same sun, they will likely produce different starburst effects due to their choice of lenses and the numb