
Showing posts with the label Shark

The World's Largest Shark Wasn't Actually A Carnivore, Scientists Find

The largest shark in our oceans already has a reputation for being gentle giants, and it seems there are more than we ever realized. whale shark ( Typhoid rhino ) is a filter feeder, considered carefully combing the water for small animals such as krill. Among the litany of small swimmers they take are leafy greens made up of algae and other photosynthetic organisms. It’s unavoidable, but researchers wonder if this vegetation is just a garnish for carnivores, or if it provides the side salad needed to keep them swimming. Researchers examining dirt and skin samples identified what these 10-meter (32-foot) long sea hoovers were actually taking advantage of from the giant pool of water they breathed through their system. “The droppings suggest that they ate krill,” said University of Tasmania marine biologist Patti Virtue. “But they don’t metabolize much.” In contrast, whale sharks, which are true sharks with cartilage instead of bones, seem to extract nutrients from a lot of algae. “Th

The wine we drink and the machine that thinks

Are period tracking apps a privacy concern? Andrea Ford, University of Edinburgh & Laura Lazaro Cabrera, Privacy International In late June, a law that was construed as granting the right to have an abortion in the US – Roe vs. Wade – was overturned, leaving decisions on the legality of the procedure for each state. Since then, half of US states have made moves to ban or restrict abortion, which technically means any woman who seeks the procedure can be prosecuted. After Roe vs Wade, a viral message quickly spread online, telling women to delete any period tracking app they were using. But why is this app a concern? Julia Ravey talks to Andrea Ford, a medical and cultural anthropologist at the University of Edinburgh… Andrea- There have been many concerns that have arisen since the news in the US. The concern is that the data in your app could potentially be used as incriminating evidence, if you were in a situation where you were mistreated for having an abortion. So that it can