
Showing posts with the label fossil

There is no shortage of gas cartels, or fossil fuels, in Australia

If you want to understand the nature of Australia’s current energy crisis, look beyond the headlines and rhetoric from both sides beyond the fossil fuel fence, and just look at market prices. Australian consumers – both big and small – are duped at gas stations, power sockets and gas pipelines by a large industry that is used to setting its own rules and regulations, and having its own way with markets and governments. Australia is not short on gas, which is now clearly established. But what it also has to admit is that it has nothing short of gas cartel-like behavior, even if the country’s impotent regulators prefer to look the other way. On Monday, something extraordinary happened. On the same day that the Australian government finally dared to call it a bluff, and threatened the imposition of the so-called “gas trigger”, prices fell in both the electricity futures market and the gas market. It’s as if the fossil fuel industry has been caught red-handed, like a trillion-dollar t

This 365 million year old fish fossil reveals how life came to land

About 385 million years ago during the Late Devonian period, a fish walked from the water to the shore in search of a new home. The fins are strong enough to move on land. Thus began the history of vertebrates on land. Fast forward to 2004 in the Canadian Arctic Islands in the Nunavut Region, where researchers found two fossils about a kilometer apart. One came from the specimen that came to be known as Tiktaalik roseae (pronounced tick-TA-lick) . The others resemble teenagers Tiktaalik , especially from the appearance of his jaw. But nearly 20 years after its discovery, paleontologists suspect it was something else entirely. Researchers from the University of Chicago and Drexel University recently published a study in the journal Natural where they describe a new fish species that may have preceded Tiktaalik . What’s new – Researchers now ascribe the second fossil to a new fish species they call Qikiqtania wake up . Pronounced “kick-kiq-TA-nee-ah,” the specimen’s name comes fr

Ancient Australian Fossil Revealed To Be The Only Vulture Ever Found In This Country

For more than a century, evolutionary biologists assumed that the specimen found in South Australia was that of the mighty grave eagle (Taphaetus lacertosus). Nevertheless, a new study has announced a true classification system: it is a vulture, and it is a first in the country. Ancient Vulture Fossil The predatory vulture Cryptogyps lacertosus, meaning powerful hidden vulture, existed between 500 and 50,000 years ago, according to fossils. This is an ‘Old World’ eagle, and a comparable species may still be seen today – but not in Australia, according to Science Alert. The categorization shows how the diversity of megafauna as well as various species existed on this part of the planet throughout the Pleistocene epoch, which lasted about 2.5 million years and ended about 11,700 years ago. Meanwhile, according to Flinders University paleontologist Ellen Mather’s interview with The Guardian, researchers examined archaeological evidence of flying birds from around the world, and then it

This Confusing Water Creature Could Be The Oldest Relative Of All Vertebrates

The strange creatures that raged in Earth’s oceans more than half a billion years ago appear to be the earliest vertebrate relatives we’ve found to date. They are called yunnanozoans, dating from the Early Cambrian about 518 million years ago. The cartilaginous features found in their fossil remains are comparable to those of modern vertebrates, paleontologists have found. This suggests that these animals were stem vertebrates, an extinct sister group to the original group of modern vertebrates. “The pharyngeal curvature is a key innovation that likely contributed to the evolution of the vertebrate jaw and braincase,” wrote the team led by Qingyi Tian of Nanjing University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China. “The pharyngeal skeletons of controversial Cambrian animals called yunnanozoans may contain the oldest fossil evidence limiting the early evolution of arches, but their correlation to vertebrates is debated. “By examining additional specimens in previously unexplored tec