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What Martian Meteorites Can Teach About Earth's Origins - SpaceRef

What do Mars and Iceland have in common? These days, not so much. But more than 4.5 billion years ago, it is possible that the Red Planet had a crust comparable to Iceland’s today. This discovery, hidden within the oldest Martian fragments found on Earth, could provide information about our planet that was lost over billions of years of geological movement and could help explain why Earth evolved into a planet that supports the vast diversity of life that Mars did. no. This insight into Earth’s past comes from a new study, published today in Nature Communications, by an international team that includes an NAU researcher. The study details how they discovered the possible origin of Mars from a 4.48 billion-year-old meteorite, informally named Black Beauty. Its origin is one of the oldest regions on Mars. “This meteorite records the first stages of the evolution of Mars and, by ex