
Showing posts with the label Oil

Global oil prices have fallen, so why is it still so expensive at the pump?

Drivers could immediately see fuel costs dropping below $2 per liter, but diesel remains high despite falling prices for the crude oil used to produce both. Analysis from FuelTrac shows that there is a growing gap between wholesale prices in Singapore and what you pay in retail. Specifically for diesel that means retailers are getting more per liter. “The longer they hold their retail pump prices, as Singapore and wholesale prices fall, they increase their retail profit margins,” said Geoff Trotter, general manager of FuelTrac. The line shows the relationship between retail margin – the amount a retailer earns – for unleaded gasoline (blue) and diesel (yellow) sold in Australia, above the ‘terminal gate price’ or wholesale cost. ( provided ) Most of the fuel pumped in Australia comes from Singapore and the island’s terminal gate prices – wholesale fees – affect what you pay as a consumer when sold at service stations here. But the margin between Singapore prices and retail prices ha

Consumption of extra virgin olive oil during pregnancy increases the level of antioxidants in breast milk and

Extra virgin olive oil represents the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet. From left to right, Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos, Francisco J. Pérez-Cano, Blanca Grases-Pintó i Sonia Zhan-Dai (above), i Anallely López-Yerena, Anna Vallverdú-Queralt i Maria J. Rodríguez-Lagunas ( under). The results support evidence that a diet with extra virgin olive oil can modify and even increase the content of these bioactive compounds in breast milk with potential benefits for infant health. Consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)—a product with widely recognized benefits for our health—increases the levels of phenolic compounds in breast milk and can cross the placental barrier, reaching offspring. This was revealed in a research conducted by a team from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science, the Research Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, Universitas Brawijaya (INSA-UB) and the Center for Biomedical Research on Obesity Physiopathology and Nutrition Network (CIBEROBN). . The r

Gas station prices near record but when will they drop?

Record gasoline prices cause stress for households and businesses. However, a drop in global oil prices doesn’t necessarily mean that the price you pay on bowser will drop immediately. “Over the last two weeks, we’ve actually seen oil prices drop by around $22 a barrel,” said Mark McKenzie, chief executive of the Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association. Mark McKenzie represents gas station owners and thinks pump prices will drop in the coming weeks. ( ABC Illawarra: Sarah Moss ) “If that trend is maintained over the next few weeks and months, then we should really expect to see prices drop by a comparative margin.” Global prices for crude oil – which is then refined into gasoline and other products – have fallen about 15 percent in the past month. ( ABC News: Alistair Kroie ) However, the situation is complicated, with several factors — such as the invasion of Ukraine, refinery capacity, expensive pre-election promises, and a potential recession in the United Sta