
Showing posts with the label Eastern

Monster Hydrothermal Field Found in the Dark Depths of the Eastern Pacific

The large field of hydrothermal vents on the seafloor in the dark depths of the East Pacific ocean is the hottest and largest ever found in the region. Not only that, but in places where scientists don’t expect to find active vents, let alone the entire system, hundreds of meters from the axis of the volcanic ridge. The discovery, scientists say, could have a significant impact on our understanding of ventilation systems, and the role they play in marine ecosystems. The field was discovered by a team of scientists using autonomous underwater vehicles to map the ocean floor at depths inhospitable to human explorers. In the data obtained from the AUV. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Security the team looked at the region of the massive tower, standing three stories high at 2,560 (8,400 feet) meters below the surface – in permanently dark and silent bathypelagic depths. Ventilation is monitored with a temperature recorder. (WHOI/NDSF/ROV Jason/NSF) Initially, the team thought the v