
Showing posts with the label Paid

Prince William's nanny gets PAID for Charles affair scandal

The BBC yesterday paid around £200,000 (AUD$346,000) to a former royal governess who was subjected to a “completely unfounded” smear by Martin Bashir. Tim Davie, director general of the corporation, also made embarrassing apologies to Tiggy Legge-Bourke and Prince Charles and his sons William and Harry. The court has heard that Ms Legge-Bourke suffered extensive and angry damage for 25 years as a result of “false and malicious accusations”. Although not named at trial, the false claim is said to have been made by Bashir while working on a BBC Panorama interview with Princess Diana. Miss Legge-Bourke said the program’s “false narrative” had been “haunting” the Royal Family since it aired in 1995. An official statement, agreed by the former nanny and the BBC, said she was the victim of “very serious and completely unfounded” allegations that she had an affair with Charles which resulted in an aborted pregnancy. These allegations, the statement said, had been “fabricated” and a series of

How many CEOs are really paid (in 7 charts)

2. Is the CEO paid less than before? Fixed salaries are increasingly becoming a shrinking part of CEO salaries, especially for the top 100 CEOs. Over the 10 years to FY21, the average fixed salary of ASX100 CEOs has fallen by 0.8 percent annually, according to an Australian Investors Board report. There are currently no CEOs in the top 100 who receive a fixed salary above $3 million. But that certainly doesn’t mean they are underpaid. Investors are increasingly pushing for a focus on variable payouts to ensure CEOs are paid more in line with company performance. The concept of variable pay has been developed over the years by consultants, accountants, and experts to offer incentives to executives. That’s where bonuses come into the equation – and they’ve hit record levels. 3. How much is the CEO bonus? Apart from the CEO’s fixed salary, one part of the bonuses received is an annual or cash bonus. It’s a bonus paid to the CEO for the company’s performance in that year – an an

Desperate Long Covid Patient Paid Thousands for Unproven Blood Screening Treatment: Report

A new investigative report out Tuesday found that long-standing COVID-19 patients are traveling overseas to try expensive and untested treatments for their symptoms, including screening their blood. But at least some experts are concerned about the trend, warning that this treatment lacks solid evidence to support its claimed benefits. The report is a collaboration between The BMJ and ITV News. The authors visited or interviewed patients who went to clinics in Cyprus, Germany and Switzerland hoping to find relief for lingering post-covid symptoms. These symptoms tend to include, but are not limited to, persistent fatigue, breathing problems, and cognitive dysfunction, or brain fog. The main treatment offered by this clinic is called apheresis. The patient’s blood is drawn, which is then “washed” and broken down into its different components of plasma and red blood cells. The blood is then recombined and finally given back to the patient via a different vein. The treatment is supp