
Showing posts with the label causing

Central banks 'have eggs in their faces' and risk causing a recession in their 'panic' to release them

The Bank of Canada’s (BoC) surprise decision to raise interest rates by 1 percentage point has shocked global markets and Canadian borrowers and raised expectations more central banks will follow with super-sized hikes. Key points: The Bank of Canada has raised interest rates by a full percentage point, while monetary authorities in Singapore and the Philippines have also tightened them sharply Former IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld worries the central bank is catching up after delaying rate hikes for too long He warned that rising interest rates too quickly around the world could trigger a major economic downturn like that seen in the 1980s The BoC raised its policy rate from 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent, the highest since 2008, in a bid to contain inflation. It is far from alone in raising interest rates quickly. Today, the Philippine central bank raised interest rates by 0.75 percentage points to 3.25 percent in an unscheduled move, while the Singaporean authorities also tighten

Global team of scientists discover new gene causing severe neurodevelopmental delay

An international team of researchers led by UC Davis geneticist Suma Shankar has discovered a new gene involved in a neurodevelopmental condition called DPH5-associated diphtamide deficiency syndrome. This syndrome is caused by a variant of the DPH5 gene that can cause embryonic death or profound neurodevelopmental delay. Findings from their study were published in Genetics in Medicine. “We are very excited about the discovery of this new gene,” said lead author Suma Shankar, professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Ophthalmology and faculty at the UC Davis MIND Institute. Shankar is director of Precision Genomics, Albert Rowe Endowed Chair in Genetics, and head of the Division of Genomic Medicine. DPH5 is essential for protein biosynthesis. It belongs to the class of genes required for the synthesis of diphtamide, a type of modified amino acid histidine, essential for the synthesis of ribosomal proteins. “We provide strong clinical, biochemical and functional evidence for DPH5