
Showing posts with the label Fastest

This Runaway Star Penetrates Space at More Than 160,000 Kilometers Per Hour

Not all stars enjoy just wandering around, orbiting the galactic center with all the other stars. Some stars go rogue, crossing the Milky Way with significant force. It is a runaway star, and we can trace its trajectory to understand the violent events that could occur in the Universe. One such star, and one of the more famous ones, is Zeta Ophiuchi. Located about 440 light-years from Earth in the equatorial constellation Ophiuchus, it is also one of the strangest stars in the sky. Not only is it incredibly fast, at about 30 to 40 kilometers (roughly 20 to 25 miles) per second, but it’s a strange type of star to see roaring in space. Zeta Ophiuchi is the main sequence star; that is, one that still combines hydrogen into helium in its core. And it’s a hot, massive O-type star: about 20 times the mass of the Sun, glowing blue with intense heat. Such stars also have relatively short lives; Zeta Ophiuchi is about half way past the main sequence’s projected age of 8 million years. Tha

We Have New Record For Fastest Star Enlarging Supermassive Black Hole

A newly discovered star is so close to the center of our galaxy’s supermassive black hole that it completes an orbit in just four years. It is the shortest orbit for any of the stars around Sagittarius A*. This is an oval-shaped journey around a black hole that takes the star to an orbital speed of more than 2.5 percent of the speed of light. This discovery adds exciting new information about the strange dynamics of the center of the Milky Way. Although the center of our galaxy is quite quiet compared to other galaxies, the environment around Sgr A* is an extreme place. Black holes are monsters, which have a mass about 4 million times the mass of the Sun. Before astronomers confirmed its existence with live images, scientists deduced its existence and calculated its mass based on the star locked in orbit around Sgr A*. The star, called S2, is just one of a group of stars known as S-stars, which follow a long, sharp elliptical orbit around Sgr A*, with a black hole at one end of the