
Showing posts with the label cells

Light-activated protein may help normalize dysfunction in cells, study shows

New research from the University of Cincinnati is showing early indications that light could be used as a treatment for certain ailments, including cancer. Researchers from UC, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and University at Buffalo published the results of their study showing light-activated proteins can help normalize dysfunction in cells in the journal. Nature Communication July 25. Research findings Research centers on the function of mitochondria, the organelles in cells that act as the cell’s “power generator” and source of energy. Organelles are small specialized structures that perform various jobs in the cell. Jiajie Diao, PhD, one of the study’s authors, says hundreds of mitochondria are constantly coming together (a process called fusion) and dividing into smaller pieces (a process called fission) to keep them in balance in healthy cells. But when mitochondria don’t function properly, an imbalance of these fission and fusion processes occurs. This imbalance can

Optical imaging of dynamic interactions between molecules in cells

Super-resolution microscopy allows fluorescence images of cells, organelles and molecular complexes to be obtained with unprecedented spatial resolution. However, this resolution is not sufficient to resolve proteins as small as a few nanometers and their interactions with other molecules or the architecture of protein complexes. This prevents, for example, the study of the molecular interactions of neurons in learning and memory processes. Overcome dynamic resolution limit Developed by the research groups of Prof Markus Sauer (Rudolf Virchow Center and Biocenter) and Dr Gerti Beliu (Rudolf Virchow Center) at the University of Würzburg, the new photoswitching fingerprint analysis enables optical imaging of dynamic interactions with other molecules in cells. “To date, no method has reliably enabled structural optical resolution in cells in the sub-10 nm range. By elucidating the underlying cause of this barrier, we have succeeded for the first time, in combination with a new direct l

Optical imaging of dynamic interactions between molecules in cells

Super-resolution microscopy allows fluorescence images of cells, organelles and molecular complexes to be obtained with unprecedented spatial resolution. However, this resolution is not sufficient to resolve proteins as small as a few nanometers and their interactions with other molecules or the architecture of protein complexes. This prevents, for example, the study of the molecular interactions of neurons in learning and memory processes. Overcome dynamic resolution limit Developed by the research groups of Prof Markus Sauer (Rudolf Virchow Center and Biocenter) and Dr Gerti Beliu (Rudolf Virchow Center) at the University of Würzburg, the new photoswitching fingerprint analysis enables optical imaging of dynamic interactions with other molecules in cells. “Until now, there was no reliable method of enabling structural optical resolution in cells in the sub-10 nm range. By elucidating the underlying cause of this barrier, we have succeeded for the first time, in combination with a

Using only skin cells, the Israeli lab makes synthetic mouse embryos with a heartbeat

An Israeli laboratory has grown synthetic mouse embryos with a beating brain and heart — in an egg-free sperm-free procedure that uses stem cells taken from the skin. The breakthrough, published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal Cell, is the first time advanced embryos of any species have been made from stem cells alone, said cell biologist Prof. Jacob Hanna of the Weizmann Institute of Science told The Times of Israel. . Hanna, who led the research, said that previous efforts have only led to blastocysts, meaning structures formed early in mammalian development. Blastocysts have a fraction of the millions of more cells present in their embryos. “Excellent,” he commented. “No sperm, no eggs and no uterus, but we managed to get embryos formed from stem cells alone for up to eight days – a third of the gestational age of mice – with beating hearts.” He said the research could one day be used to grow artificial human embryo-like structures to produce cells for futuristic medical sol

Enzymes, proteins work together to tidy up the tail end of DNA in dividing cells

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have described the way enzymes and proteins interact to maintain protective coverings, called telomeres, at the ends of chromosomes, a new insight into how human cells maintain the integrity of their DNA through repeated cell division. . DNA replication is critical to sustaining life as we know it, but much of the complexity of the process — how myriad biomolecules get to where they need to be and interact through a series of intricately orchestrated steps — remains a mystery. From left, Qixiang He, Ci Ji Lim, Xiuhua Lin. “The mechanism behind how this enzyme, called Polα-primase, works has been elusive for decades,” said Ci Ji Lim, assistant professor of biochemistry and principal investigator on a new study on DNA replication published recently in Nature. “Our study provides a major breakthrough in understanding DNA synthesis at the ends of chromosomes, and generates new hypotheses about how Polα-primase – the main cog in the DNA r

Scientists Discover Massacre: "Killer" Cells Kill Innocent Cells

The scientists found that a quarter of the progenitor cells in the testes were “killed” by phagocytes, despite the fact that these cells weren’t doing anything “wrong.” University of Haifa research has identified killer cells. A process involving the “killing” of newly generated living cells has been discovered for the first time in a recent study conducted at the University of Haifa. Research, described in a respectable journal Science Advances found that during the process of cellular differentiation in fruit flies, phagocytic cells consume and destroy healthy living cells. “We found that phagocytes can function as ‘killers.’ It is known that phagocytic cells engulf and dissolve dead cells, but we demonstrated for the first time that they also kill newly created normal cells. Basically we have characterized a novel mechanism of cell death. The more we know the mechanisms of cell death, the better we understand how to treat various diseases, especially cancer,” explains Professor

When friendly forces become enemies: Scientists blunt the impact of natural killer cells to increase vaccine effectiveness

PD-1 dependent NK cell regulation of CD8 + T-cells. C57BL/6 mice were infected with an adenoviral vector encoding the HBV genome and treated with anti-NK1.1 (⍺NK) or isotype control antibodies prior to therapeutic vaccination. Intrahepatic lymphocytes were harvested 14 days after immunization. (A) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of HBsAg mRNA extracted from the liver of infected mice. (B) Representative plot of CD8 + T-cells isolated from the spleen of CD45.2 PD-1KO or CD45.1 wild-type (WT) mice were transferred to recipients of opposite congenic mice one day before therapeutic vaccination. Examples of PD-1 and IFN . expressions you production in transferred PD-1KO and WT CD8+ T cells. *, pScience Translational Medicine (2022). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abi4670 Scientists have found that the body’s own natural killer cells can suppress the immune benefits of therapeutic vaccines, a problem that can predispose to inoculation against ch

Lymphatics help 'seed' early brain cells in zebrafish

During the embryonic stage of brain development, some neurons and synapses are well formed and connected, but others are not, causing some parts and parts to be discarded. This leaves dead or dying cells and requires the central nervous system to employ some kind of cleaning crew. Microglial cells take up the challenge, “swallow” waste, and are therefore essential for brain development. However, scientists don’t have a full understanding of how they populate the brain. A recent paper in Nature Neuroscience by University of Notre Dame biologist Cody J. Smith shows how lymphatics – which remove waste from other parts of the body – are also linked to microglia and brain development in zebrafish. “Microglia, we know, are born outside the brain but somehow have to enter the brain during development, which is called colonization,” said Smith, Elizabeth and Michael Gallagher Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. “We know that in humans this colonization is present

New stem cell mechanisms in your gut: Stem cells in your gut are controlled by newly discovered biophysical mechanisms - Azi Berita News

Your gut is an amazing place. The special layer of cells that line the inside of your small and large intestines take nutrients and water from what you eat while keeping anything bad out of your system. This layer is called the intestinal epithelium. It actually renews itself every four to seven days using stem cells. These are special types of cells that can self-renew by dividing and differentiating to produce other types of cells to renew your organs. Scientists still don’t know how exactly they make this decision, or what defines stem cells. Bernat Corominas-Murtra, formerly a postdoc at the Austrian Institute of Science and Technology (ISTA) and now an assistant professor at the University of Graz, and Edouard Hannezo, professor at ISTA, in collaboration with an international experimental research group led by Jacco Van Tim Rheenen in Amsterdam studied cells stems in the intestinal epithelium. They discovered an exciting new mechanism that could change our understanding of w

Genetically Engineered Sound Controlled Bacteria That Seek and Destroy Cancer Cells

An artist’s depiction of a bacterial cell. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/James Archer Since its inception, chemotherapy has proven to be a valuable tool in treating many types of cancer, but it has significant drawbacks. Apart from killing cancer cells, it can also destroy healthy cells such as those in hair follicles, causing baldness, and those that line the stomach, resulting in nausea. Now, scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) may have a better solution: voice-controlled, genetically engineered bacteria that seek out and destroy cancer cells. In a new paper published in the journal “The goal of this technology is to take advantage of the ability of engineered probiotics to infiltrate tumors, while using ultrasound to activate them to release potent drugs inside the tumor,” professor Shapiro says. A strain of E. coli called Nissle 1917, which is approved for medical uses in humans, was the starting point for their work. After being