
Showing posts with the label understanding

The Clearest Understanding of the Life Cycle of Supermassive Black Holes

The doughnut-shaped rings surrounding many supermassive black holes tell researchers how fast extraterrestrial objects are feeding and could change how black holes are viewed from Earth. Credits: ESA/NASA, AVO project and Paolo Padovani The researchers used X-ray telescopes and new data analysis techniques to describe extraterrestrial objects. Black holes with different light signatures that were once thought to be the same object viewed from different angles are actually in different stages of their life cycle, according to a study led by Dartmouth scientists. New research on black holes known as “active galactic nuclei,” or AGNs, says that it definitively demonstrates the need to revise the widely used “AGN unified model” that characterizes supermassive black holes because they all share the same properties. This study provides an answer to a troubling space mystery and should allow researchers to create more precise models of the evolution of the universe and how black holes develo

Footprints bring science one step closer to understanding south African dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have captured people’s imaginations more than any other ancient creature. These reptiles – some big, some small; several carnivores and other herbivores – rose and dominated the world’s landscapes for more than 135 million years during the period known as the Mesozoic. Today, dinosaur fossils can be found in many parts of the world, contained in a succession of rocks. It is a series of rock strata or units in chronological order. South Africa and the main Karoo Basin in Lesotho, for example, contain many dinosaur fossils in a succession of rocks formed between 220 million and 183 million years ago during the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic period. These ancient relics include body fossils (bones) and trace fossils, which are signs in ancient sediments in the form of footprints and burrows in the ground. Body fossils can help in re-creating ancient life forms, understanding what they looked like, their sizes, and even how they grew and evolved. The problem is, intact body

New model of fluid distribution in the Cascadia Subduction Zone helps understanding seismic activity

A new three-dimensional model of the fluid stored deep within the Earth’s crust along the Cascadia Subduction Zone provides new insights into how the accumulation and release of such fluid can affect seismic activity in the region. The liquid collects near but does not penetrate the thickened section of crust known as Siletzia lying beneath much of western Oregon and Washington. The pressure associated with this fluid could be a factor in the seismic phenomenon known as episodic tremor and slip, or ETS, said Gary Egbert, an electromagnetic geophysicist at Oregon State’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and lead author of the new paper. detail the findings. Episodic tremors and slips are fault behaviors that include localized non-volcanic vibrations and slow slip events that may occur over hours or days. It occurs throughout the Cascadia Subduction Zone, from northern California to British Columbia, but is less frequent and intense under the Siletzia central core, wh

Big step forward for organ biofabrication: By recreating the helical structure of heart muscle, researchers increase understanding of how the heart beats - Azi News

Heart disease – the leading cause of death in the US – is so deadly in part because the heart, unlike other organs, cannot repair itself after injury. That is why tissue engineering, which ultimately includes the wholesale manufacture of whole human hearts for transplantation, is so important to the future of cardiac medicine. To build the human heart from the ground up, researchers needed to replicate the unique structures that make up the heart. This includes recreating the helical geometry, which creates a circular motion when the heart beats. It has long been theorized that this circular motion is essential for pumping blood at high volumes, but proving it is difficult, in part because creating hearts with different geometries and alignments is a challenge. Now, bioengineers from Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed the first biohybrid model of the human ventricle with helically aligned beating heart cells, and have shown that