
Showing posts with the label Plane

Think buying car fuel is expensive? Imagine if you had to fill a plane

A regional airline has temporarily cut some Tasmanian services as a result of rising fuel costs. Key points: Sharp Airlines has temporarily suspended Saturday services to King Island and Flinders, as well as Wednesday services from Essendon to King Island Airlines say facing rising fuel costs, the only other alternative is to increase ticket prices Flights are scheduled to restart in September Sharp Airlines said the price of aviation turbine fuel had increased by more than $1 per liter in 12 months, 40 cents of which came in the past two months. Managing Director Malcolm Sharp said the airline had chosen to reduce flights rather than charge travelers. “For our customers, we try to find ways to make it at least less painful,” he said. “The easiest thing to do is raise prices, but we think that will have a bad impact on demand. “This is a difficult time.” The war in Ukraine has pushed up oil prices around the world. ( ABC Capricornia: Rachel McGhee ) The airline said it would suspend

Researchers Develop Sailing Plane Designed to Fly Over Mars

American researchers have developed a light sailing craft designed to fly over Mars and collect data. Non-motorized aircraft are built to use natural winds pattern around Mars to operate for days. The aircraft is equipped with flight, temperature and gas sensors, as well as cameras. It is designed to collect data about the atmosphere and physical structure of the Red Planet. A working model of the sailplane was developed by engineers at the University of Arizona. The team is partnered on the project with Alexandre Kling, a research scientist with the American space agency NASA. Kling said in a statement the sailing craft could be a valuable resource in helping NASA study important areas above the Martian surface. “You have this very important and critical piece at the planetary boundary layer like in the first few kilometers above the ground,” he said. “This is where all the exchange between the surface and the atmosphere takes place.” Kling works at NASA’s Mars Climate Modeling Cen