
Showing posts with the label learn

Lessons we can learn from the secret life of Sir Mo

As for news it turns out, is that most of what we thought we knew about Mo Farah was wrong. Yes, he is a great runner, and there is no doubt about that. But instead of legally immigrating to Great Britain from war-torn Somalia as a young man, as one might expect, the truth is far more complex – and compelling. On Tuesday, as part of some pre-publicity for a documentary to be released on Wednesday, word broke that Mo Farah was not her real name but someone else’s, and instead of arriving legally with her parents, she was illegally trafficked to the UK. . at the age of nine and spent his first years in the country doing what is essentially the same as unpaid child labour. “Most people know me as Mo Farah, but that’s not my name, or it’s not reality,” Farah said under the barrel of the camera. “The real story is that I was born as Husein Abdi Kahin. Despite what I have said in the past, my parents never lived in England.” Get? He was an illegal immigrant, who came up with a fake nam

Virtual beings develop bodies that help them learn

The virtual creature swung its four arms like tentacles, propelling itself forward. It crept up the hill then rushed to the other side. It looks like “octopuses walk on land,” says Agrim Gupta. This strange creature developed a body of its own. It also learned its own method of moving. This mix of evolution and learning could help engineers build new types of robots, Gupta said. A PhD student studying computer vision at Stanford University in California, Gupta is like a grandfather to this octopus-like creature and hundreds of other odd-looking virtual creatures. He created the ancestors that gave rise to these creatures. He called them unimals, meaning “universal beasts.” The term reflects the fact that they can evolve into so many different body forms. Some resemble real animals. Others are quite strange. The team found that the animal’s body type affects its ability to learn new things. We tend to think of learning as something that happens in the brain. But, Gupta note