
Showing posts with the label Mystery

He writes a best-selling murder mystery, then a chill case from Delia Owens' past resurfaces

The video of the man’s death is shaky, chaotic, and brutal. A US television crew has been sent to Zambia to film the story of a young American couple on a mission to protect African wildlife from poachers. Instead, they ended up filming – and then broadcasting on prime-time television in 1996 – a murder. Details of what happened are unclear and ABC America agreed to obscure the identities of those involved. However, it appears that a suspected hunter was found, chased through the wildlife park and then shot four times, execution style. “Bodies of hunters are often left where they fall for animals to eat,” the reporter said in voiceover as the scene unfolded. As the camera zoomed in on the man, the reporter reflected on what the audience had just seen: “Conservation. Morality. Africa.” The killings in Zambia’s Northern Luangwa National Park may forever remain a mystery. And the identity of the man who was killed was never revealed or his body found. However, 26 years after the shocking

The mystery of some atmospheric halos remains unexplained after 5,000 years

For the first time in nearly 5,000 years of observation, researchers have fully cataloged the optical illusion created in the sky when light shines through ice crystals known as atmospheric halos. The detailed ‘inventory’ of atmospheric halos often looks at atmospheric optical illusions from known sources and explains rarer halos, including those whose origins remain a mystery. Halos are caused by the accumulation of water ice crystals smaller than 10 micrometers in the atmosphere. The qualities of these atmospheric illusions, such as their color or whether they have white arcs, spots or rings, are determined by the shape and orientation of the ice scattering from and the path that light takes towards these crystals. Often, the type of crystal behind the scattering can be identified by the shape of the halo they create. Related: What makes Earth’s atmosphere so special? This atmospheric illusion has been documented by mankind since at least the Babylonian era — which began around 189

Mystery solved: Cutting-edge technology reveals when mammalian ancestors became warm-blooded

Mammals and birds generate their own body heat and control their body temperature. Mammals and birds generate their own body heat and control their body temperature. This process is known as endothermic, or warm-blooded, and may be one reason why mammals tend to dominate nearly every global ecosystem. Warm blooded animals are more active both day and night than cold blooded animals and they reproduce more quickly. However, until now it is not known exactly when endotherms came from the ancestors of mammals. Our new study, just published in Nature, changes that. A combination of scientific intuition, fossils from the Karoo region of South Africa and cutting-edge technology has provided the answer: endothermy developed in the ancestors of mammals about 233 million years ago during the Late Triassic period. The origin of mammalian endothermy has been one of the great unsolved mysteries of paleontology. Ma