
Showing posts with the label Space

Space agency confirms rocket remains in SpaceX's sheep paddock

The Australian Space Agency has confirmed debris found in SpaceX’s NSW Snow Mountains. Key points: Three pieces of debris have so far been found The residents of the Snowy Mountains have been notified that more pieces can be found People were told to call the hotline if they found more Three pieces of space junk have so far been found in the region, which is thought to be the largest piece found in Australia since 1979. Two sections were examined by technical experts from the Australian Space Agency and NSW Police on Saturday. Police have since confirmed that they are also aware of a third piece found in the area. This space debris is estimated to be three meters long. ( ABC South East NSW: Adriane Reardon ) Authorities believe the space debris belongs to SpaceX but have been waiting for confirmation. “The agency has confirmed the debris is from the SpaceX mission and continues to engage with our US counterparts, as well as other parts of the Commonwealth and local authorities as appr

Cosmic Buckyballs Could Be Mysterious Infrared Light Source

Scientists may have just traced the source of some of the mysterious infrared emission detected from stars and clouds of interstellar dust and gas. This Unknown Infrared Emission Band (UIE) has baffled scientists for decades; According to a new theoretical work, at least some of these bands could be produced by highly ionized buckminsterfullerene, better known as buckyballs. “I am very honored to have played a part in the extremely complex quantum chemical investigations carried out by Dr Sadjadi that have produced these very exciting results,” said astrophysicist Quentin Parker of the Space Research Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong. “First they looked at the theoretical evidence that Fullerenes – Carbon 60 – can withstand very high ionization rates, and now this work shows the infrared emission signature of the species is a perfect match for some of the most prominent Unknown Infrared Emission features known. This will help re-strengthen this area of ​​research.” Buckminste

New Technology Developed at U for Use to Remove Space Impurities

(Photo by Pixabay: A new technology described as an “omnimagnet” was developed by two University of Utah professors and will now be used by a New Hampshire-based robotics company to help clean up space debris. The company, Rogue Space Systems Corporation will use the new technology on their robots in a variety of ways such as repairing satellites or deorbiting space debris. According to Jake Abbott, professor of mechanical engineering who helped develop the omnimagnet, the technology consists of three electromagnets that create a magnetic field to capture space debris and stop it from correcting or reducing the orbit of objects in space. Tucker Hermans, professor at the school of computing, also helped develop the technology. Abbott said when a satellite or piece of space debris needs to be accessed to make repairs or reduce its orbit, robotic equipment risks breaking up the space debris or robotic arm, creating more debris. More comp

The Loop: Swimmer Emma McKeon makes history, more space junk in NSW, and cycling accidents at Commonwealth Games

Hi, over there. He Monday, August 1st, and you’re reading The Loop, today’s news summary. One thing to know: Australian house prices are falling, and fast A new report from analytics firm CoreLogic has found that house prices in Australia are down at the fastest pace since the global financial crisis in 2008 and market conditions are “likely to worsen” as interest rates continue to rise. Data showed the country’s median property value fell 2 percent since early May to $747,182 (including homes and apartments). But the numbers vary depending on the location, so here’s a breakdown of what’s happening in the big cities: Property prices in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart fell sharply in July. ( Core Logic ) Economists expect Australian house prices to fall between 12 and 20 percent after recently hitting record highs. Today we heard a lot about China’s influence in the Solomon Islands Big investigation by Four Corners has revealed details of how money from Beijing has helped keep the con

Scientists calculate the risk of someone being killed by space junk

The chances of someone being killed by space junk falling from the sky might seem very slim. After all, no one has died from such accidents yet, although there have been cases of injuries and property damage. But given that we are launching more and more satellites, rockets and probes into space, do we need to start taking more serious risks? Frame Stock Footage/Shutterstock A new study, published in Nature Astronomy, has predicted the possible causality of the falling rocket parts over the next ten years. ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW Every minute of every day, debris rains down on us from space – a danger we are almost completely unaware of. Microscopic particles from asteroids and comets scatter downward through the atmosphere to settle on Earth’s surface – adding up to about 40,000 tons of dust each year. While this is not a problem for us, such debris can damage spacecraft – as recently reported by the James Webb space telescope. Occasionally, larger samples arrive as m

Earth has just recorded its shortest day - and the effects could be 'devastating'

Earth recorded its shortest day on record on June 29, completing one rotation in 1.59 milliseconds in under 24 hours. Scientists aren’t sure what caused the slightly faster rotation, but speculate it could be related to climate change, tides, or even the Earth’s layers. The irregular rotation created the need for something known as a leap second, a second added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which keeps our clocks as close to solar time – the movement of the sun – as possible. Watch the latest News on Channel 7 or stream for free on 7plus >> So far, Earth’s rotation has mostly slowed over time, so only positive leap seconds were added to the atomic clock to compensate, but it was only recently revealed that on June 29, Earth’s rotation was recorded to be spinning faster than usual. “If Earth’s fast rotation continues, it could lead to the introduction of the first negative leap second,” a story published on the timeanddate website warns. A negative leap second is a second t

Neutrino Factory in Space: Elementary Particles From the Depths of Our Universe

Embark on a Journey through the Universe: The Discovery of the Extragalactic Neutrino Factory. Credit: © Benjamin Amend For the first time, researchers have uncovered the origin of neutrinos, elementary particles that reach our planet from the depths of the universe. Highly energetic and difficult to detect, neutrinos travel billions of light years before reaching Earth. Although it is known that these elementary particles originate from the depths of our Universe, their exact origin remains a mystery. An international team of researchers, led by the University of Würzburg and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), sheds light on one aspect of the puzzle: neutrinos are thought to have been born in a blazar, the core of a galaxy filled with supermassive black holes. These results were published on July 14 in the journal Astrophysics Journal Letter . The atmosphere of our planet is constantly being bombarded by cosmic rays. It consists of electrically charged particles with very high ene

This Week @NASA: Mars Sample Return, Benefits of Space Station Research and Development

The benefits of space station research and development… Refining the architecture for the Mars Sample Return mission… And a solid rocket booster test fire for our Moon mega rocket… a few stories to tell you – This Week at NASA Founded in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government that replaced the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). He is in charge of the civil space program, as well as aeronautical and aerospace research. The vision is "To discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity." Its core value is "safety, integrity, teamwork, excellence and inclusion." ” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{” attribute=””>NASA ! Benefits of Space Station Research and Development The 11th International Space Station Research and Development Conference takes place July 25-28 in Washington. The conference was organized by the American Astronautical Society and the

The elusive particle: Scientists embark on a quest to find dark matter

In a former gold mine a mile underground, inside a titanium tank filled with a rare liquefied gas, scientists have begun a search for what so far has not been able to find: dark matter. Scientists are pretty sure invisible objects make up most of the mass of the universe and say we wouldn’t be here without them – but they don’t know what they are. The race to solve this great mystery has taken one team to the depths beneath Lead, South Dakota. The question for scientists is basic, says Kevin Lesko, a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “What is this great place I live in? Right now, 95% of it is a mystery.” The idea is that a mile of dirt and rock, a giant tank, a second tank, and the world’s purest titanium will block out nearly all of the cosmic rays and particles that glide around – and penetrate – all of us every day. But dark matter particles, scientists say, can avoid all those obstacles. They hoped someone would fly into a vat of liquid xenon in the inner

The Incredible Shockwave Of Stars Repels Space At 100,000 Miles Per Hour

Zeta Oviucci once orbited close to another star, before its companion was destroyed in a supernova explosion. Infrared data from Spitzer revealed shockwaves made of material that exploded from the star’s surface and collided with gas on its way. Chandra’s data show X-ray emission bubbles located around the star, generated by gas heated to tens of millions of degrees by the shock wave. Chandra’s data helps tell more about the story of this wild star. credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. Cambridge / c. Cesc Raines et al; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA; Optics: PanSTARRS Zeta Ophiuchi is the only star that may ever have a companion destroyed during a supernova. The supernova explosion sent zeta Ophiuchi into space as seen in the Spitzer data (in green and red) and Chandra (in blue). The X-rays that Chandra discovered came from heating the gas to millions of degrees by the shockwave effect. Scientists are working to match the computational model of this object to interpret the data obtained at diffe

The Long March 5B, a 22-ton Chinese rocket, crashed back to Earth this weekend. Where will it land?

When you are asked, “What is it?” this weekend, here’s your answer: Long March 5B, a 44,000-pound rocket body spinning toward Earth. But scientists aren’t sure when and where this debris is — from the Chinese launch last Sunday Wentian space station module — about to land. The Aerospace Corporation did release the latest prediction path for the debris – with the disclaimer that it’s too early to be sure. Experts believe that 20 percent to 40 percent of the massive rocket’s body mass will survive its fiery journey through Earth’s atmosphere to the planet’s surface, but not intact. Seventy percent of the planet is covered in oceans, so the odds are that whatever remains of the rocket will land in water, but that’s not guaranteed. Shrugging in response to the potential danger of the Long March 5B debris is nothing new. Aaron Boley, co-director of the Outer Space Institute and planetary astronomer at the University of British Columbia, said about 70 percent of rockets that orbit and r