
Showing posts with the label highest

We Finally Know Where The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Come From: Blazars

The way out in outer space is a class of objects called blazars. Think of them as extreme particle accelerators, capable of accumulating energy a million times more powerful than the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. It turns out that they are the cause of one of the great astrophysical mysteries: what creates and propels neutrinos across the universe at such blazing fast speeds? It turns out that the answer has been there all along: the blazar pumps out neutrinos and cosmic rays. That was the conclusion of a group of astronomers led by Dr. Sara Buson of the Universität Wurzburg in Germany as they study data from a very unique facility on Earth: the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica. Understanding the Origin of Speed ​​Demon Particles Neutrinos are quirky little ducks in the astrophysics zoo. They originate from cosmic ray interactions in the blazars and have a very small mass. Neutrinos do not interact with matter as they streak through the cosmos, meaning they tra