Will we find a new planet? Your burning question about this new image of our cosmos from the NASA space telescope

NASA has released more images of the galaxy thousands of light years away, captured by their James Webb Space Telescope.

And that raises a lot of questions: Will we discover new planets? What would you see from inside one of these galaxies? How big are these pictures really?

In an effort to unravel the latest discoveries in our cosmos, we ask you to ask the experts your burning questions.

Here’s a bit of what we learned (you can follow the full Q&A here):

These galaxies don’t look like this anymore… and may not even exist

The first images of the James Webb Telescope
The first images were released from the James Webb Space Telescope.(Provided: NASA)

“If the images are billions of years old, can you presume that some of the ‘bodies’ we see don’t exist today? They may look like lots of stars but they are images of the past, if you know what I mean. What’s really there now.”

– Nigel

Astrophysicist Robin Cook from the University of Western Australia said “absolutely”.

“As astronomers, we actually act as great historians – the further we peek into the universe, the further we look back.

“That’s because light takes time to travel between objects and us, meaning the light we see from these colliding galaxies comes from them. 290 million years agoso we look that far into the past.

“I have no doubt this system will look very different from the inhabitants of the planets around the star in these galaxies.”

There’s a chance Webb could find the ‘naughty world’

“Is Webb able to detect planets orbiting stars in nearby galaxies?”

– Ken

Jonti Horner, an astrobiologist and astronomer based at the University of Southern Queensland, said it was unlikely Webb would find a planet in another galaxy, but it was possible he could detect “‘free-floating planets’ or ‘naughty world’ among the stars”.

“Because it’s so hard. But the main thing is that Webb isn’t going to look for new planets (to do that, we exoplanet astronomers have to spend time, and it’s not going to happen!), but rather will study known planets to learn more about them.

“It’s not set to discover new planets (though there’s always the possibility of finding some by chance – especially ‘free-floating planets’ or ‘naughty world’ among the stars).

“So JWST will teach us a lot about exoplanets — but it won’t be a good tool for finding them, and anything found (by chance) will likely to be in our own backyard.

“But having said all that, the only prediction you can make that are accurate is that all predictions will prove wrong in the end – so I’ll say pay attention to this spacejust in case JWST proves me wrong.”

If you stay in this photo you will be ‘beaten by radiation’

'Cosmic Cliff' in the Carina Nebula, with speckled stars in the image
“Cosmic Cliff” in the Carina Nebula.(Reuters: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO . Production Team)

“What does space look like from inside a cosmic cliff nebula? Does it look red and ‘gassy’, or is it our perspective that makes it look that way from afar?”

– Pip

Astronomer Kim-Vy Tran from UNSW said if we were in a nebula, we would see the universe through a cloud of gas, like a lighthouse in the fog.

“If you happened to be near one of the most massive and hottest stars, you would become exposed to radiation it’s like a trillion UV index!”

So, probably not a place to move to anytime soon.

Stephan’s Quintet will be ‘a great night view’

Hubble Image from Stephan's Quintet
Readers wonder what it’s like to live on a planet in one of the galaxies in Stephan’s Quintet.(Provided: NASA, ESA and Hubble SM4 ERO Team)

“How does it feel to be live on the planet in one of the galaxies in Quintet Stephan? Is everything going to be turbulent or is it mostly just a fun night watching?”

– Reader

Astronomer Kim Vy-Tran says it can make for a great nighttime display, especially if you have infrared eyes.

“With these galaxies scattered across the sky, it will be an uneven area of ​​light and dark like when we look at different parts of us. Milky Way itself.

“If we looked towards the center of our galaxy, we wouldn’t see much of the visible light because of all the dust, but you can see through the dust with infrared light.

“If you look away from a galaxy where there isn’t a lot of stars and dust, you’ll have a more ‘ordinary’ view but still. full of stars.”

You can tell how old a star is by its color

Some readers are curious about this image of Stephan’s Quintet, which actually gives us a 290 million year old view.

A collection of five galaxies as seen from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
Stephan’s Quintet, a collection of five galaxies, as seen by MIRI from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.(Reuters: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO . Production Team)

Astronomer Robin Cook from the University of Western Australia said “we know, from looking at the stars in our own galaxy, that their colors mark very different points throughout their life spans”.

“blue star very young and hot, depleting its fuel very quickly. red starmaybe counterintuitive, relatively colder and flagging the next stage of a star’s life.

“By gathering all the light from the stars in these galaxies, we generally get directly connect the visible colors for galaxies with an average age for the system, which happens to be 290 million years in this example — relatively short timescales in the grand scheme of the cosmos.”

How do telescopes capture and illustrate color?

Planetary nebula in shades of blue, orange, and red
Observations of planetary nebulae from the NIRCam instrument of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

“Since there is blue in the image, has the color range been adjusted?”

– Dave Jones.

ABC senior science reporter Genelle Weule says the image has been taken in infrared light.

“It was a very long light beyond what we could see.

“But the team has used blue, green and red filters to translate infrared wavelengths into color.

“It’s like translating what you would see if you had infrared eyes into colors you were familiar with.”

Where is the James Webb Telescope now?

Launched in December 2021 from French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket, Webb orbits the Sun at a distance of 1.6 million kilometers from Earthin the area of ​​space called second Lagrange point.

According to NASA, the Lagrange point is a position in space where objects sent there tend to stay.

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