MasterChef recap: Tonight, is the night, when four becomes three

The competition is coming to a serious end: a time when the slightest error in timing or temperature, the most misplaced leap, can mean the difference between being a well-adjusted member of society, and being a sob. on rats in the gutter the rest of your life. Tonight we discover who will make it to the top three, and who will finish fourth – a position some consider the most embarrassing finish of all.

Today’s three cooks – Daniel, Sarah and Keyma – are so stressed that they move in slow motion. From above, Billie looked, rightly remembering he was a higher life form. Today cooks face a pressure test. But not just any pressure test: today will be set by Peter Gilmore, a chef so intimidating that it took Melissa three-quarters of an hour to introduce him.

Judges tonight Andy, Pete, Melissa and Jock.

Judges tonight Andy, Pete, Melissa and Jock. Photo: Provided

Gilmore walked in, causing a number of damp gussets among the assembled cooks: especially Keyma, who had reacted in such a way that her husband must have felt very insecure. The chef serves up two dishes that today’s cooks must cook: first, raw Abrolhos island scallops, katsuobushi cream, and sea cucumber crackers – the challenge is for the cooks to determine which elements are original and which are freshly made – and secondly dessert. , which he calls “moo” because it looks like a piece of cow but is actually ice cream and jam and stuff like that.

“One savory and one sweet, that’s so crazy!” shrieked Sarah, insisting that the customers at her restaurant choose one or the other. The contestants tasted the dishes and said whatever they could think of to disguise the fact that they were actually rather disgusting.

They had two and a half hours to make both dishes, because the producers were sick of people making good food and wanted to see a good old fashioned flop. The first thing they had to do was soak a piece of black paper in olive oil. It teaches them discipline. Once they have rid themselves of the ego, they can move on.

Keyma was very nervous, because this was a pressure test and she knew if she made a mistake it could mean she would never date Peter Gilmore. “I’m not thinking about being eliminated, I’m not thinking about tomorrow,” she says – all she’s thinking about is kissing Peter’s pretty face.

While Sarah contemplated her image. “I think from the outside, a lot of people look at me and think things are easy,” he said, and he was right. They did. He said a few more things after that but didn’t know what they were. Maybe something about how rich he is.

“I’m not the best multi-tasker,” admits Dan, explaining why he can’t afford to dress himself and brush his hair before filming day. Andy and Peter visit Dan to tell him that he is very slow and should be ashamed of himself. “You’ve got to speed things up,” Andy said, in the tone of a man who really wanted to punch him.

And thanked them for their help: he would never have thought of leaving sooner before they suggested it. To help him speed up, Dan has a flashback of him wearing a hat and walking on the beach. “If you’ve ever felt like a square peg in a round hole, there’s a square hole out there for you,” she says, exacerbating her fear of sanity.

Meanwhile Sarah shaved off her katsuobushi cream, the hairiest cream. Jock and Peter visit him to inform him that he must leave faster to avoid becoming a total Dan. Sarah turned to her plums, which is probably a euphemism. “Good job Sarah,” Billie said, perhaps sarcastically.

There are many things to cook. Always the worst part of the show, when they go around cooking.

The katusuobushi cream needed to be in the freezer for an hour and a half, but Dan came in with eighty minutes remaining. This would definitely destroy Dan’s chances, or prove that his recipe was a dirty lie. What’s worse is that the cooks still have to peel their walnuts, a painful and time-consuming process that has destroyed many previous lives.

And reflect on her fond memories of Peter’s prune jam. As he recalls, it was jammed. He decided that he wanted to make prune jam similar to Peter’s prune jam. As part of the challenge that required him to precisely recreate the dish placed in front of him, this seemed wise enough for him.

While Sarah was working on her biscuits for her moo, only silly lines had to be written. He looked at the biscuits and thought they looked odd, but after following the recipe he shrugged and took the biscuits to the fridge. Coming back from the fridge, he realized he had forgotten to put the flour in the biscuit. Like the gods of old, he had been despised by arrogance. He had to humble himself, with respect to the flour spirit, to regain his position. Depressed and frantic, she now had to work at an incredible pace, so it was lucky that Melissa came at the time to waste her time with stupid questions.

And working on the biscuits. They reminded him of biscuits from his childhood, so he opened a pack of ice vo-vos and arranged them carefully. The vo-vo ice doesn’t look exactly like cowhide, but you can’t deny that it tastes great.

And now is the moment everyone has been waiting for: peeling nuts. Keyma felt that peeling peanuts was difficult and futile, because it was. Peter shows up to tell him he only needs to peel two nuts, while at Quay they peel 200 a day, so how about he stop whining?

As the peanut fight continues, Sarah takes her biscuits out of the oven and finds them charred. After rereading the recipe, he discovered that they weren’t supposed to be burnt, and began to wonder if he might have a problem. He’s making biscuits again, although history seems to indicate that making biscuits is not his forte and he may have to stop it.

Keyma only peeled one walnut, but since he moved at a rate of roughly one walnut per week, he really didn’t have time to peel another. He proceeded to the next step: dipping something dirty in some kind of liquid. With fifteen minutes remaining, the soundtrack somehow finds an ominous chorus to spook everyone. And was arranging flowers, his mind finally broke.

Sarah finally got a stack of biscuits she didn’t shy away from, and moved on to the next step of the recipe. It calls for whipping cream by hand, so he does it with his stand-mixer, because who the heck is this “Recipe” to tell him what to do?

Keyma is getting obedient and whipping with his hands. The cream is broken. He didn’t know why. Keyma has very little cream left and even less sanity. He reread the recipe and realized he had taken the wrong measure. He explodes with anger at himself while Andy wanders off not to offer any help. Regaining her composure, Keyma didn’t hit Andy with the frying pan, but whipped the cream again.

Time is running out, it’s time for cooks to put things on different plates in different ways. Is there anything more gripping on TV than closeups of people putting tiny bits of food on plates? Definitely not. “It’s all fiddly,” Dan said, and he meant it. Her legs were already starting to shake. Her hair is more vertical than before. While Keyma left the mold in hot water too long which meant her katsuobushi cream was too soft and too small, which seems unfair considering that three hours ago she didn’t even know that katsuobushi cream existed.

Time is finally up, and the relentless cook is replaced by one who keeps wondering how badly you messed up the cook. Keyma wept, thinking that her mistake might prevent her from knowing the taste of Peter Gilmore’s soft lips. And even more worried, knowing that he’s the only one with this episode’s flashback and should therefore be in big trouble.

And serve the dish first. The judges asked him if he wanted to win. And said yes he really would. The judges said that wanting to win MasterChef is the essence of MasterChef. And agree, and plate. “100 percent for the effort,” said Peter with cruel condescension. The judges tasted. Food and taste is good.

Sarah served next. The judges asked him if he wanted to win. He said that if he won it would be crazy. No one argued with him. Sarah’s whipped cream was loose, which was a common problem among women her age. She had a plate, but ran out of time and didn’t get all her biscuits. The judges tasted. The savory dishes are delicious. The sweet dishes are a bit rubbish.

And now, Keyma. He tells the judges that he is devastated, and everyone laughs. Jock asks him if he has what it takes to win. Keyma tells him that he has a candle in his heart. Jock is angry because that’s not what he asked for. Keyma is ready. Peter thinks it’s a mess, but he’s someone to talk to. They tasted. She didn’t have enough katsuobushi cream in her savory dish and the ice cream was icy cold. Basically, he’s screwed.

When it comes time to judge, our worst fears come true. Although not realized like Keyma’s worst fear. Poor Keyma has to go. He would be missed almost as much as anyone else who was still there would be hated.

Listen tomorrow, when hopefully some light will finally shine in dark places.

#MasterChef #recap #Tonight #night


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