Jessica's symptoms were considered 'food poisoning'. The truth left him 'in a state of disbelief'

A young woman who struggles with months of excruciating stomach pain that is considered “food poisoning” discovers that she actually has stage four colon cancer.

Jessica Thompson, from New Zealand, was looking “very healthy” when she started experiencing severe cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Jessica’s cancer journey

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But every time she sees a doctor, the 26-year-old claims her symptoms are caused by “food poisoning” or “gastro ticks”.

However, the sales associate knew something was wrong when the cramps became unbearable, forcing him to call an ambulance for fear he would lose consciousness from the pain.

By the time he was diagnosed with the rare condition in March, doctors found a 2cm cancerous tumor blocking half of his large intestine.

Jessica Thompson’s symptoms were dismissed as food poisoning. Credit: Jessica Thompson

“I clearly remember hearing the C-word for the first time. My heart sinks and I can’t imagine how this happened to me,” said Jessica 7Life.

“I was in a state of shock and disbelief.”

Prior to receiving the sad news, Jessica began experiencing severe cramps, diarrhea and vomiting in November 2021.

He was taken to the Emergency Department but he was “dispatched” after doctors misdiagnosed him with gastro or food poisoning.

Unexplained symptoms

Despite taking the prescribed medication, Jessica said her symptoms “continued” into the next day.

The 26-year-old woman underwent surgery to remove the tumor, along with half of her intestines. Credit: Jessica Thompson

He decided to see another doctor at a different hospital for a second opinion after he noticed the pain was “still persistent”.

“But the doctors said there was nothing they could do for the gastro and just follow the medication,” he recalls.

Jessica said she developed symptoms again in December, followed by January 2022.

“This went on for about 24 hours so I was starting to think I had gluten intolerance, IBS or something similar,” she says.

He appeared ‘very healthy’ when he started experiencing severe cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. Credit: Jessica Thompson

During this time, he noticed that he was starting to experience shortness of breath.

“It wasn’t severe enough for me to think too much, but I wasn’t able to finish fitness classes or climb Mount Maunganui which I found a bit odd,” he said.

In March, she experienced an episode of severe stomach cramps.

“This time I was alone and the pain was so severe that I had to call an ambulance because I was afraid I would pass out from the pain,” Jessica said.

Doctors found the cancer had spread to two of his lymph nodes. Credit: Jessica Thompson

“I knew something was wrong, having regular episodes like this couldn’t be normal but I never thought it would be something as serious as that.”

After the colonoscopy, doctors confirmed he had a tumor but they couldn’t confirm if it was cancer until the pathology report was complete.

“Because of the size of the tumor, they say the chances of it not becoming cancer are very small,” he said.

Jessica says the first week of each round of chemo is the ‘heaviest’. Credit: Jessica Thompson

But her world came crashing down when she was told she had colon cancer, the most common disease in people 50 and over.

No family history of cancer

“I’m struggling to understand why this is happening to me because I don’t have a family history of any cancer,” she said.

He underwent a procedure to remove half of his intestines.

“Doctors managed to remove all the cancer in my body and I am recovering very well from this,” he explained.

Her world came crashing down when she was given the news that she had colon cancer. Credit: Jessica Thompson

But after a “successful” operation, doctors found the cancer had spread to two of his lymph nodes – meaning he will need nine rounds of chemotherapy to ensure he makes a full recovery.

He is currently undergoing a fourth round of chemotherapy.

“Chemotherapy was not what I thought I would need,” he said.

“I’m not going to lose my hair and to anyone who doesn’t know my story, I can be perfectly healthy.”

For those with cancer, Jessica says: ‘You are not alone’. Credit: Jessica Thompson

He admits the first week of each round of chemo is the “heaviest”.

“I suffered the most side effects so far,” he said.

The toughest battle

“I also have neuropathy, which is tingling in the tips of my fingers and toes, which can cause cramps and limit the mobility of my hands.

“I have a hard time eating or drinking anything that is slightly cold or even room temperature because it feels like I have a lump in my throat.

“However, with the remaining two weeks of my cycle I feel almost completely normal which I am very grateful for.

Jessica said she had been given good news about her diagnosis. Credit: Jessica Thompson

“I get to spend time doing the things I love during this trip.”

Jessica said she had been given good news about her diagnosis.

“Doctors have said that this treatment is aimed at curing and hope that I should fully recover from this as my pre-chemotherapy PET scan showed no further cancer cells,” he said.

Trust your instincts

Sharing his story, he urges everyone to: “Trust your instincts”.

“You know your body best and you know when something is wrong,” she says.

“If you have regular episodes of any kind of stomach related problem, push for answers.

Sharing his story, he urges everyone to: ‘Trust your instincts’. Credit: Jessica Thompson

“We were given one body. Take the time to get yourself checked out, do blood tests, and advocate for yourself if you feel something isn’t right.”

For those with cancer, Jessica says: “You are not alone, and you will get through it and come out the other side with a stronger, more developed version of yourself.”

Jessica, who works in real estate, has been taking months off to recuperate.

His generous friends gathered behind him to set up a Give A Little fundraising page, to help cover the costs of his medical bills.

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