Climate scientists have lost their minds | Australian audience

Forget about saving the medical profession. Australia has a generation of chief health officers and doctors who cannot define ‘women’ for fear of activist mobs. That’s a clear indication that ideological decay has become a terminal state – which may partly explain why so many ‘experts’ have turned megalomaniacs during Covid, chanting ‘Show me your paperwork!!!’ while forcing citizens to stand in small green circles painted on the ground.

Not. Let’s move on and see if there’s anything left to save in the field of ‘climate science’.

There is a consensus among this well-funded industry that the world will end in a fiery apocalypse unless something is done about ‘carbon emissions’. With trillions of dollars poured in over the decades, surely they’ve come up with some brilliant solutions? (Sh, we’re not going to talk about nukes.)

This ‘Space Bubble’ shield can counter the effects of climate change by reflecting sunlightsaid the World Economic Forum, on June 20, 2022.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been fussing over the idea of ​​placing a ‘frozen bubble floating in a thin layer above the Earth to reflect sunlight’. This branch of science is called geoengineering – or for that matter solar geoengineering – and has received a lot of attention as the United Nations looks for solutions to the apocalypse.

Space bubble technology boasts that it ‘poses no risk of disturbing Earth’s biosphere’ because it is ‘in space’.

‘Geoengineering may be our last and only option. Yet most geoengineering proposals are earthbound, posing tremendous risks to our living ecosystems. Space-based solutions would be safer – for example, if we deflected 1.8 percent of solar radiation that occurs before it hits our planet, we could completely reverse current global warming.’

I don’t think the sun is disturbing Earth’s biosphere either, because it’s ‘in outer space’. Or the moon. Or the solar wind.

Placing a bubble the size of Brazil in space to block the sun is likely to have some unintended consequences. If successful (instead of falling into the sun, being blown away by a solar flare, or flying into an abyss because another planet or asteroid upset the balance of gravity), the most likely outcome would be a catastrophic ice age.

Blocking out the sun, even in small amounts, can cause extensive damage to Earth’s vegetation – which likes to be warm, wet, and saturated with carbon dioxide – not freezing. One thing we know for sure is that the colder it gets, the more green things die.

The next question is a moral question. Does one country or scientific authority have the right to interfere with sunlight for? whole planet? How do Russians feel about some MIT scientists trying to make the world cooler?

Currently they call it ‘Plan B’ but it feels more like ‘Plan F’.

It’s reminiscent of NASA’s ‘Asteroid Capture’ project that was created when a group of American engineers decided they wanted to go out and pull a stray asteroid into Earth’s orbit to study it so they could better protect us from – er – asteroids entering Earth orbit.

What could go wrong? After all, this is the same NASA that crashed the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter into the planet because their feet and meters were confused. The Asteroid Diversion Mission from 2013 was meant to be launched in 2021. Luckily it was cancelled. For now.

Besides, it would be a waste of money. NASA is already tracking two ‘big asteroids’ headed for Earth’s orbit in the next 24 hours. The 2016 CZ31 is the size of a London skyscraper and the 2013 CU83 is 320m in size. Before you get ready to cross the ‘asteroid’ from you End of the World Bingo Cards, this kind of ‘near miss’ is quite common. Space is always trying to kill us.

There are other crazy geoengineering projects everywhere. Other centers in the vicinity are very disturbing Antarctic glaciers.

The world has long recognized the Antarctic ecosystem as fragile and poorly understood (which is why China and Europe continue to send fishing vessels to catch krill populations). Instead of doing something sensible, like forbidding the world’s greedy fingers to eat everything in sight, they had a better plan.

Why not install artificial islands to clamp down on some of its largest glaciers? If they didn’t hit warmer ocean water, they wouldn’t melt and raise sea levels. We can even drill and start pumping water underneath to change the temperature flow. (Stop laughing, this is a serious proposal.)

The main project involves building a blockage in front of the Pine Island Glacier to stop it breaking up. A glacier is a slow-moving frozen river. The amount of force behind them is incredible and makes them one of the most aggressive landscape shapers. It’s doubtful that we can build anything strong enough to stop a glacier of this size, but if we could, it would lead to a whole new set of problems. The ice sheet is moving and the energy has to go somewhere. If it is forced to hit an artificial wall, it will collapse on the back, warp, and warp. Far from stopping the ice from breaking, it was more likely to cause large cracks to appear in previously pristine locations as troops tried to push through obstacles.

Glaciers come and go. They are not stable physical entities. Many valleys in South Australia were formed by glaciation. 20,000 years ago, the Wisconsin Ice Sheet reached as far as New York City. Glaciers used to join Britain into mainland Europe before ferocious rivers split the ice and tore through the English Channel.

Besides, if the ‘space bubble’ guys were successful, there would be a glacier right across the Pacific. We might be able to ski to China.

There are also plans to ‘spray tiny particles of sulfate aerosol into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight’ at a low price of $2.5 billion a year. These are the things produced by volcanic eruptions that are notorious for creating mini-ice ages that led to periods of mass starvation and years of crop destruction. But of course, why not jump in and do it voluntarily? Since it is widely believed that we will enter a period of increased volcanism as the Pacific plate slips, we could double down and enter a full ice age. New Zealand has supervolcanoes. It can enter.

There is a downside. The scientists involved admit that the aerosols involved may ‘start an ozone-depleting reaction that allows more ultraviolet light to reach Earth’. Still interested?

If being fried alive by ultraviolet radiation and freezing to death doesn’t sound like fun, there’s also a plan called The Marine Cloud Brightening Project – which sounds like a teeth-whitening exercise for the clouds.

Project will ‘develop’ [a] a spray technology that will produce a controlled volume and size of small sub-micrometer seawater particles in sufficient quantities to increase the local brightness of low clouds in the marine environment’.

However, changing the droplet size can also affect how long the cloud lasts and how much water it can hold. Because clouds form in the lowest level of the atmosphere called the troposphere, cloud brightness poses a greater risk of influencing weather patterns than spraying high sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere’.

Trust me, this is the most ‘sensible’ geoengineering plan. They only get worse from here – like ‘wrapping Greenland in a polypropylene blanket’ to stop the ice from melting, flooding Death Valley to lower sea levels (have fun getting it via First Nations sacred site approval), and dumping lime and iron into the ocean to transform its alkalinity.

It may be safer for planet Earth’s survival if geoengineering is stopped immediately and engineers are sent to plant trees for a living.

If the experts want us to ‘trust them’ on Climate Change, they can start by scrapping Bond-themed plans to destroy the planet.

As always, the best thing for us to do is – nothing.

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